A mild drama ensued in a house of a native doctor in Umuida community Igbo Eze North local government area of Enugu state, as a man beat his wife to stupor over an allegations that his wife was planning to remarry when he dies.
Oceanicnews gathered that the wife, who was at the house of a native doctor for some spiritual solutions for their son, went there in company of their son allegedly without informing her husband who was partially blind as a result of eyes related illness.
However, on getting hint that his wife was at the house of a native whose house was few meter away, the man stormed the house of the herbalist to demand why his wife made such move without informing him. He further went on accuse his wife and son of not allowing him to sell off a parcel of land and use the proceeds to seek for medical treatment, saying that his wife wants him to die so she can remarry and enjoy herself with another man.
The allegation infuriated the wife and in the ensuing altercation, the man pounced on her and beat her to stupor. It took the intervention of neighbors who rushed to separate the couple.