The Anambra state Police command has arrested the Deputy President General of Ifite Ogwari Community in Ayamelum local government area, Chief Nwaora Ikola and the town’s chief security officer, Chief Michael Akamala over the alleged killing of three Fulani herdsmen and disappearance of some cows in the community.
Speaking from their detention at the Special Investigation Bureau(SIB) Awka, the suspects denied killing anybody.
The Deputy PG for Ifite Ogwari said: “We were in a meeting to access the damage done on our farms by the herdsmen when the Divisional Police Officer for our area called me and demanded to see us. When we went, he took us to many places and ended up at a mortuary at Adani but we did not see any dead body. Since then, we have been in detention without knowing what our offence is” he lamented